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Duct Tape for Peace
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The Duct Tape For Peace Dove T-shirt
The Duct Tape For Peace Dove T-shirt features an elegant peace dove perched atop a roll of duct tape with the words "Duct Tape For Peace" on the roll. The image is printed on the front of a top quality Hanes Beefy 100% cotton t-shirt in black, green and gray ink. Available sizes are large and extra large. Satisfaction guaranteed. Simply return the T-shirt in new condition for a full refund (price of T-shirt only) within 10 days of receipt.

The Duct Tape For Peace Dove T-shirt

Click for larger image

Price: $10.00 each
S&H: $5.00 in the Cont. US.

Quantity S&H discounts applicable.


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Despite a small global following, remains a non-profit grass-roots organization with all the expenses associated with operating an internet site. I pay for everything out of pocket and don't make a dime. Whether you purchase a cool shirt or sticker, or you make a donation, every penny counts and is appreciated. All proceeds from product sales and donations are used for operating expenses and whatever remains, if any, is donated to a number of charitable and political organizations including ACLU, Amnesty Intl., Human Rights Watch and the Howard Dean's 2004 presidential campaign.







Additional items coming soon so please check back often

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